Hopefully this blog will inspire you to have confidence in your creative abilities and give you courage to learn and try new things. Try something NEW. It could be just what you need to make you a better artist, or a better person.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 1: 29 Faces in September

Here's #1:  Done in Gouache in my sketchbook, so the water made the page buckle a bit since it is not intended for really wet applications.  I find that if I paint on a piece of paper, it gets lost or put away someplace.  If I do it in my sketchbook, it is there, permanently, unless I tear it out, since it is a bound book.  I started out with watercolor pencil, but lost the whites, so went to gouache.  This is one of my students.  I take pictures of them every week in class, so I have lots of reference photos to use.


  1. she's a pretty girl - love the texture of her skin

  2. Dropping by to to say Great Job! I can't comment everyday because I am trying to download some videos, which take forever. But I will be back in a few.

  3. Wonderful! She looks really happy and sweet. :)

  4. Such a pretty girl and a wonderful painting :)

  5. Wow those are awesome portraits..


More doodle art ACEO cards.

For sale in my Ebay store It seems to be working, doodling and lettering every day, and my Mojo has returned!