Hopefully this blog will inspire you to have confidence in your creative abilities and give you courage to learn and try new things. Try something NEW. It could be just what you need to make you a better artist, or a better person.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Inspiration for Paintings, A Facebook Group, PPF

Different Strokes Art Challenge on Facebook

I am really into painting from photographs (free reference ones) that I find on the internet. There doesn't seem to be anything in my head to paint from, and I am not inspired by painting from life, so photos it is! I just discovered a new Facebook Group, where they post a different picture every month for you to paint from, in any style, using any medium (except digital) and any size. I usually paint ATC size 2.5 x 3.5 inches, so this is a fun little challenge for me. It's called Different Strokes Art Challenge and the people are really nice! I don't get out much, so the internet is a wonderful asset for me. I meet such great people and my days just fly by when I am painting.

So far I have done this month's challenge (A Macaw) twice, and am starting on doing the rest of the challenges they have already completed. You can go back and use any of the previous photos for inspiration and post the resulting artwork on the page. I love going through the albums and trying different things I would never usually choose to paint. And I use different styles and mediums to challenge myself further. 

Here are the Macaws:

My first one was done 4 x 6 with a palette knife, acrylic paint, and I struggled. Not fond of painting birds. For sale on Ebay. 

The second try is 2.5 x 3.5 inches, ATC size, Mixed media, acrylic and Felt Pen, and I did it in a stained glass style. He seemed to adapt well to that! Oh, and the background is watercolor. 

And this is the FREE reference photo provided.

I am working on a still life with fruit now. Will post next time.


  1. Luv the texture of the acrylic piece

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  2. Both versions are great. I like the stained glass look a lot. the acrylics paint and palette knife version is an exact capture of his feathers and expression.

  3. wonderful are this pictures!!!

  4. Different styles yet still both so wonderful. :)

  5. You did a beautiful job on these. Well done.

  6. Beautiful work..so vibrant and colourful!

    Hugs Giggles


More doodle art ACEO cards.

For sale in my Ebay store It seems to be working, doodling and lettering every day, and my Mojo has returned!