Hopefully this blog will inspire you to have confidence in your creative abilities and give you courage to learn and try new things. Try something NEW. It could be just what you need to make you a better artist, or a better person.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring, Abstracts, Flowers and Puppies for PPF

ACEO: "Vanessa," A Baby in an Easter Bonnet and Pearls
Painted from a reference photo on Paintmyphoto.ning.com

Abstract Expressionism, Watercolor 5x7
Another "experimental" painting in watercolor class. We painted the outlines first, then filled in with color. Not sure how I feel about this one.

9x12 Watercolor on 140# hot press paper
Done from a photo on a blog challenge. Buildings are not my favorite, but that's what a challenge is for, right? Stretch . . . .

8x10 experiment with watercolor on gouache, 
then sanded with rough sandpaper, torn edges,
and mounted onto a backing board. 

Sunflowers, ACEO size

painted for DPW weekly challenge

Variation of the Morton Salt Girl ACEO
Painted for several challenges, Water, Puppies and Umbrellas!

A couple of Scruffy Stray Sad Eyed Dogs for 30/30 National Puppy Day

An ACEO of "Little Drops of Water in the Rain"

Friday, March 20, 2015

Springtime, Robins, Birds and Nests for PPF

Happy Springtime!
"Feed Me," Big Mouth Hungry Robin

Our ACEO 30/30 challenge group in Facebook has a Spring Theme this week so here is my first baby robin, painted from a photo at morguefile.com. His mouth (beak?) is too big, but you would not know if you did not see the reference photo. 2.5 x 3.5 inches watercolor and pen on heavy paper. If any of you like to paint tiny, it is an open group. We change themes every week, and only paint ATC size, but it keeps my ebay store in stock!

Robins Eggs in a nest in a tree, and Naked as a Jaybird Baby

Mama Robin in a nest and a Cute Baby Bird.

Birdhouse and a bird and a proud Bluejay

I am having way too much fun doing these. All sketches/illustrations were done with watercolor and outlined with a pen and a touch of Higgins white ink. I am getting much faster and better with sketching by doing these every day. The small format makes me feel comfortable with being loose and free with my strokes. And I am not worried if I have to throw away a tiny piece of wc paper, but mostly they turn out amazingly well!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Monet, Sunflowers and ACEOs for PPF

From Monet to Bull Elk, it was a busy week!

ACEOs for 30/30 this week had a TIME theme, Sleeping, clocks, and sunrises, due to Daylight Saving Time starting on Sunday. Here are my little 2.5 x 3.5 inch watercolor and pen and ink sketches using the theme. I always like to have a little push to make something, a theme or challenge or reference photo. The reference photos for these were found on paintmyphoto.ning.com. They are for sale in my Ebay Store.


Claude Monet painted a Sunflower Bouquet in a Vase, and my WC class this week was painting the Masters, so, since I love painting flowers, I did this one in watercolor, 9x12 on 140# cold press paper. 
and I also did an ACEO on hot press, very fast and loose.
Here is the reference photo I used of Monet's painting. 
The purpose was not to duplicate the original, only to give the "impression" of the impressionist artwork, using watercolor whereas he used oils. It was great fun and I think I will do more "Masters" paintings. It was totally different from how I usually use WC so I learned a lot.

And the challenge on Artist Reference Photos for March included a photo of a Bull Moose by Chuck Rondeau. Here is my version of it. 8x10 watercolor on hot press paper. For sale on DPW auction. I have never painted an elk before.

And last, but not least, a challenge on Facebook to paint a very colorful bird, a Lilac Breasted Roller, photo by Chris Allsebrook. Here is my interpretation, 5x7 watercolor, pen and ink on 140# hot press paper. For sale on Daily PaintWorks. I like the way this one turned out.

Friday, March 6, 2015

St Patrick's Day ACEOs and Floral Postcards for PPF

The theme for this week in 30 ACEOs in 30 Days FB Group is . . . 

All things Green and Irish. The Flower Fairy was a Twofer, since I also added her to the album in another FB group. She was painted from a reference photo. The Leprechaun on the bottom was done at Christmas and he is a nutcracker, but also qualifies for this theme. Since he has not sold yet, I included him. See these and 150 more of my paintings in my EBAY STORE.

I was not much inspired in my watercolor class this week, because they were doing collages and gluing, in order to "save" failed paintings. I just chop mine up into ATC cards!  So I took out some 4x6 watercolor postcards that my grandson had given me for christmas and painted loosey goosey flowers. I like them, especially after they are matted and ready to frame in a 5x7 size. 

They would make a nice grouping in plain black frames! Very colorful, don't you think? I listed them on Ebay and Daily Paint Works.

Here is a 9x12 Abstract, done with Rice Paper and Watercolor. A mixed media collage done in class this week. Not my favorite, but it was interesting. Lots of texture. I don't like to glue very much.

More doodle art ACEO cards.

For sale in my Ebay store It seems to be working, doodling and lettering every day, and my Mojo has returned!